horror metal
Albums scraped2021-12-06T05:35:37.215Z
Last updated2021-12-21T05:39:11.932Z
Released at
25Them - Manor of the Se7en Gables1977
57Impaler - If We Had Brains... We'd Be Dangerous1986
100Necrophagia - Season of the Dead1987-02
22Death SS - The Story of Death SS 1977-19841987-06-06
55Death SS - The Story of Death SS (1977-1984)1987-06-06
36Death SS - ...In Death of Steve Sylvester1988
40Death SS - Black Mass1989-12-23
23King Diamond - The Eye1990-12-16
61Impaler - Wake Up Screaming1990
51Death SS - Heavy Demons1991-11-02
16The 69 Eyes - Bump'n'Grind1992-03-18
47Death SS - The Cursed Concert1992
53Necrophagia - Death is Fun1994
37The 69 Eyes - Savage Garden1995-04-10
98Kettle Cadaver - Horronomicon1995
67Impaler - Undead Things1996
85Kettle Cadaver - Halloween1996
54The 69 Eyes - Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams1997-02-10
15Cultus Sanguine - Shadows' Blood1997
65Doomstone - Satanavoid1997
99Death SS - Do What Thou Wilt1997
72Rob Zombie - Hellbilly Deluxe 21998
95Impaler - It Won't Die1998
19The 69 Eyes - Wasting the Dawn1999-02-22
33Notre Dame - Le Théâtre du Vampire1999-10
58Notre Dame - Nightmare Before Christmas1999-12
42Notre Dame - Vol 1 : Le Théâtre Du Vampire1999
63Cultus Sanguine - The Sum of All Fears1999
93Death SS - Panic2000-01-12
59Raven X - Essence Without Light2000-02-09
12Abysmal Grief - Exsequia Occulta2000-04
48King Diamond - House of God2000-05-29
32Daemonia - Dario Argento Tribute2000-06
44Notre Dame - Abattoir, abattoir du noir2000
75Impaler - The Gruesome Years2000
87Ravenous - Assembled in Blasphemy2000
94Sigh - Imaginary Sonicscape2001-07-18
8The 69 Eyes - Dance d'Amour2001
76Gorelord - Force Fed on Human Flesh2001
82Gorelord - 2001-Gorelord-Force fed human flesh2001
14Notre Dame - Coming soon to a theatre near you, the 2nd2002-04-02
24The 69 Eyes - Paris Kills2002-04-16
52Murderdolls - Beyond the Valley of the Murderdolls2002-08-17
21Abysmal Grief - Hearse2002-11-02
10Gorelord - Zombie Suicide Part: 6662002
81Ravenous - Three on a Meathook2002
84Impaler - Old School Ghouls2002
89Daemonia - Live In Tokyo2003-08-25
46The 69 Eyes - Framed in Blood: The Very Blessed of 69 Eyes2003-09-29
90King Diamond - The Puppet Master2003-10-20
2The 69 Eyes - Framed in Blood2003
34Daemonia - Live...or dead2003
50Daemonia - Live... Or Dead2003
97Necrophagia - The Divine Art of Torture2003
4The Vision Bleak - The Deathship Has a New Captain2004-02-23
13Notre Dame - Demi Monde Bizarros2004-02
1The 69 Eyes - Lost Boys2004-06-01
70Death SS - The Horned God of the Witches2004-06-18
30The 69 Eyes - Devils2004-10-22
49Scum of the Earth - Blah...Blah...Blah...Love Songs For The New Millennium2004-10-26
18The 69 Eyes - Motor City Resurrection2004
31Necrophagia - Black Blood Vomitorium2005-01-31
56Necrophagia - Goblins be Thine2005-01-31
66Necrophagia - Harvest Ritual, Volume 12005-04-25
41The Vision Bleak - Carpathia: A Dramatic Poem2005-08-29
9Necrophagia - Harvest Ritual, Vol. 12005
11The 69 Eyes - Feel Berlin2005
38Necrophagia - Harvest Ritual2005
96Necrophagia - Harvest Ritual Vol.12005
73Gorelord - Norwegian Chainsaw Massacre2006-04-01
77Abysmal Grief - Mors Eleison2006-06
7Denial of God - The Horrors of Satan2006-10-31
78Death SS - Horror Music: The Best of Death SS2006
43Abysmal Grief - Abysmal Grief2007-07
29The Vision Bleak - The Wolves Go Hunt Their Prey2007-08-31
64Denial Fiend - They Rise2007-10-16
5Scum of the Earth - Sleaze Freak2007-10-23
17The 69 Eyes - Bump 'N' Grind2007
3Wednesday 13 - Skeletons2008-04-29
91Underlined - Truth And Denial2009-10-07
45Abysmal Grief - Misfortune2009-11-02
68Abysmal Grief - The Samhain Feast2009
79Alice Cooper - Welcome 2 My Nightmare2011-09-12
83Necrophagia - Deathtrip 692011
35Cadaveria - Horror Metal2012-01-31
86Denial of God - Resurrection of the Damned2012-07-13
71Underlined - Deadtime Stories2012-08-14
60Death SS - Profanation2013-10-04
88Flesh of the Earth - Flesh of the Earth2013-11-03
92re-VENGEance - '13 pЯoMo))2013-11-12
62Deathless Legacy - Rise From The Grave2013-12-13
27Dracula - Open Graves at Midnight2013-12-28
69Daemonia - Dawn of the Dead / Zombi2013
80Necrophagia - WhiteWorm Cathedral2014-10-28
28Dracula - Black Wings Over Transylvania2014-12-18
26Them - Sweet Hollow2016
39SaTaN - 13 I SCREAM2016
74Demolition Train - Bound By Horror, Sealed With Blood2017
20Ice Nine Kills - The Silver Scream2018-10-05
6King Diamond - Masquerade of Madness2020-01-01